These are set and enforced by the moderators.
Respect other users and their backgrounds. Examples of some activities that will not be tolerated are: Harassment, Hateful speech, Being transphobic, racist, fascist, religious intolerants, Jokes about suicide, self harm
When interacting with users outside of this server, you have to follow the rules of their server.
For the majority of cases, following our set of rules should be sufficient.
You have to follow proper procedures when posting NSFW content.
You must hide NSFW content using the Mark media as sensitive checkbox
You must put explicit (Pornographic, genitals, etc) content on the Unlisted privacy level, or more.
You may not have NSFW content in your profiles.
Sexual depictions of children (either drawn or photographed) are not allowed on this server and are considered like pedopornography.
Don't share anyone's personal information without their consent, and delete content about a person should they ask.
For profit companies account aren't allowed. (If you look around a bit there are servers made specifically for this)
Offering sex services in exchange for money is prohibited on the server. (If you look around a bit there are servers made specifically for this)
Boosting content is the same as posting content, if you boost something you endorse it and it must follow these rules.